Tuesday, November 20, 2007

71/2 lifelong habits

The easiest habit for me is the first one, "begin with the end in mind". I have always enjoyed setting new goals and affirming them in writing. I like to put pictures into my journal and write down some detailed ideas about the goal. I also sometimes like to bounce my ideas off friends and family members. It's kind of like getting some feedback from the universe. If the majority of responses are good then I move ahead with further planning.

The other habit I really like is viewing "problems as challenges"! I know this sounds strange but when I get a goal in mind I like dealing with the problems that inevitably arise. The problems or challenges only seem to stimulate more commitment to the goal. However, I will say that when family members are not behind me on a goal it makes it extremely had to keep the energy going.

The two hardest habits for me are the sixth and the 7 1/2. The sixth is tough because even though I am comfortable with technology, I am also a nature girl. Because of the screen light I don't like spending long periods of time at the computer, and it seems that technology and computers go hand in hand. As for habit 71/2, I often take things too seriously and have to remind myself to relax and have fun! Playing keeps us young and allows for a better creative flow.

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