Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thing 5: Thoughts on Library 2.0

Library 2.0 seems like a very exciting view of the future. I am happy to be learning and playing with some of the "tools". See, I am working on that 71/2 habit! At first all this stuff is very overwhelming, too many new phrases like "mashups" RSS and "tagging", it's like learning a new language. But then when I was a student I found that each area of study had it's lingo, so this isn't any different. The best thing is to just jump in and try some stuff. This is my second "blog" and I think it's getting fun!
One thing I heard around the workplace is how we are not given enough choices with Library 2.0. Perhaps this is to make it easier to learn however, if I want to have a Facebook account, then why do I have to use MySpace? The whole point of this is explore and see what suits me, right?

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