Monday, February 4, 2008

Thing 30: Done w/ Web 2.0?

My experience with Library 2.0 has been great! I have learned all kinds of new tools and approaches to exploring and comunicating over the Web. I feel so much more confident in answering general questions from our library patrons regarding Web 2.0. This has been an exciting winter experience. I am looking forward to exploring some things on my own now. So, may be now I am just beginning learning 2.0. I know I will keep my blog going...this has been my favorite part of Web 2.0!
I have been a bit stressed over the length of time spent each week on the exercises, usually 1- 1 1/2 hours. This has been especially difficult as a part time employee. I do like that the sessions were individually paced as opposed to off site training. In our building there were enough users who helped with difficult sessions like the one on Generators and Flicker tools. Therefore, eventhough we were offered "help labs", I never used them. I also didn't feel it was right to spend more time going to labs when I was already way over the suggested 1/2 hour a week time devoted to Library 2.0.

I also felt many of the "lessens" were not applicable to the average staff member at VBPL. How will we use things like podcasts when Websence blocks most of that activity? Additionally, most tools and technologies we were exposed to are good to be aware of but I am not sure how I will utilize them even on a monthly basis. I would like to hear some ongoing suggestions through email on this concern, and I would also love to see some major improvements on our library website which reflect Web 2.0. Mainly more visuals, and interactive, smoother/efficient links.
Thank you Cindy/VBPL for an overall wonderful learning experience!

Thing 29: Library 2.0

I am really thankful for the learning experience w/ the Library 2.0 program. I feel I would be left in the dark ages if I hadn't done this! I now know more about this stuff than my Three daughters (ages 27, 24, 19) and that's amazing!!

My favorite stuff w/ Library 2.0 was learning how to Blog and having a new understanding for phrases like podcasts, mashups, wikis. I really enjoyed learning about Flicker and Photobucket. I think I will also use YouTube more as a search method now because of how videos can be a great way to understand new technologies.

In reading other blogs I found I am not alone in likeing the learning experience but also wondering how much of this I will use, even on a monthly basis. I feel it it's mostly about exposure to new tecnologies and having an environment to try some of this stuff out. So for this and more I am thankful.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thing 28: Rollyo

Rollyo was fun, however I had trouble with my list. When I wanted to pick something from the list of website examples, I ended up with the whole list and lost my original list. I then had to start over again. It was cool when I got it to work; I just don't know if I will use this much, if ever. I think this would come in handy if I was doing a lot of research with patrons or at home. I will mention it to a IS 11 I know who did not participate in the program. She might really enjoy having the ease of her own searchroll.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Thing 27: Library Thing

I really liked Library Thing because of the ability to create my own book catalogue. The site gives me all kinds of links to similar books of my choice and I also like how I can read reviews on my favorite books from other readers. Many people come into the library and pick out a book, take it home and then find they have previously read it. Library Thing gives them a great place to record books read and use tags to identify main subject headings.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thing 26: Generators?

I am not sure how I found this site because the link on Thing 26 as of 1/17/08 sent me here somehow. I had clicked on The Generator Blog link and it sent me to a page with several different links/generators? I can't seem to find it now, but this was about cool "alien sonic therapy" to help eliminate selfishness. Crystal helped me load it on my blog, Thanks Crystal!

Today I found a biorhythm generator on The Generator Blog link but I could not figure out how to link it to my blog. Generators seem like they would be crucial to good websites, with fun stuff to see, hear and interact with!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Thing 25: Library Podcasts

Thing 25 was somewhat repetative from Thing 24, however I did explore serveral library websites with podcasts. The functioning of the services was not nearly as effective as the ones I found on Podcast Alley. The Library Channel at ASU was probably the best. I listened to the one about an online History course linked to with the university library. This course is to be available to students all around the world. What a great way to open up and connect the world academic environment. May be in the future VBPL could link with the VaBeach Higher Education Center or TCC?

The other Podcasts were not very impressive, The AZLA Conference one entitled "Podcasting 101" did not even talk about Podcasting only about the conference in general. The most recent podcast from this site, regarding research papers, was from 12/6/07 and it would not even load. Perhaps the major failing is perhaps public funding for new technologies and more important good maintenance of sites with up to date info.

Thing 24: Podcasts

I looked at a few of the podcast links and found a whole new world out there, again! I am amazed at what is going on with Web much stuff to watch and listen to! I liked Podcast Alley better than Yahoo podcast because of the ease of navigating and ability to have multiple windows open.

I tried WPT Poker Corner on Podcast Alley and was able to watch a poker match on Mashboard, while listening to tips on what to do and/or not do. That was very cool because they zoomed in on the players hands during the play. I also liked the BBC podcast interview with Tom Hanks through Films section. These audio files are very recent, 1/11 and 1/12/ 2008, which is great for up to date news sources. I really wonder how regular newspapers can even try to keep up with this media? What does this mean for libraries...the need for more computer/Internet connections? Or does each branch have to get wireless to accommodate the growing need?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Thing 23:YouTube

I had a good time on YouTube searching for videos. This one shows some steps involved in creating bronze sculptures. As a sculptor, I found this video short and sweet, not too technical. I have seen podcasts/videos during some of my staff training, as well as while searching websites online. These are so helpful for a visual learning like myself.

I'd like to see VBPL make podcasts and videos available to our patrons on our website. These could be informative/instructional or just to highlight some great library sponsored community events!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Thing 22: Flicker Mashups

Mashups and third part tools are so cool. I have found Google Maps in many places for a long time and had no idea these were Mashups. These are great when your searching for a business and the map pops up with the listing.
Third party tools were really fun, especially Montagr, which allows users to make beautiful mosaics out of their Flicker pics. This would be great to do with kids or teens at the library, maybe as a summer reading program workshop. The large image would be a great display in the children/teens area!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thing 21: Flicker tools

There seem to be some great advantages for libraries using Flicker tools, like showing images on websites of new collections or remodeling changes especially when they combine new services for patrons. The public has become accustomed to having images which convey information rather than just text on a website. Flicker seems like a good way to accomplish this without many of the technical difficulties found in older applications.

I especially like Blurb because it would make a great workshop for teens who have wonderful personal images and/or poetry which they might like to combine in a book. The pricing seems very reasonable too! Imagekind might be a great way for libraries to show patron or staff artwork using high quality reproduction.

Thing 19: WEB 2.0 Awards

While browsing all the winners I found a site called Threadless T-Shirts. I really liked this idea of creating t-shirt designs and the site basically markets them for you. I have always thought of interesting "slogans" for t-shirts and wanted to go to Costco or somewhere and have them printed up. As an artist I am excited about coming up with a possible winning design! The site also allows you to link other designers websites to Threadless for purchase, so that's good networking!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Thing 20: Flicker

Flicker seems like a very cool site for people who what to publish and posts lots of photos. I really like how you can send photos from your cell phone and also create books. I am not sure how I feel about having a bunch of photos at an online website. I may get too comfortable with the site and delete the ones on my PC (to save space) and then in the future loose them all?
My family does take a lot of photos and this seems like an option for organizing and sharing them.
I have tried Photobucket recently and it is not as social, which I think I like better. Although, I will continue to explore Flicker and see if I like it. This is a photo I took at the woods across the street from my home in VA Beach.